Bagdat St. No:287, Istanbul/Türkiye +90 (530) 671 88 50
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    Root Canal Retreatment: Regaining Dental Health

    Root canal retreatment involves the reapplication or correction of a previously performed root canal treatment. It is preferred in cases where there are problems with or failure of the initial root canal treatment.

    Purpose of Root Canal Retreatment

    Rectifying Failed Root Canal Treatments: In situations where a prior root canal treatment has failed or produced undesired results, root canal retreatment may be necessary. Salvaging Damaged or Infected Teeth: If inadequate cleaning or healing was achieved in the previous root canal treatment, root canal retreatment can rectify these issues.

    Root Canal Retreatment Process

    Examination and Diagnosis: The dentist assesses the condition of the previous treatment, examines it using X-rays and other imaging techniques. Opening and Cleaning the Canal: Previous fillings and materials are removed, the canals are re-cleaned and reshaped. Refilling and Sealing: Canals are refilled with appropriate materials, and the tooth is restored.

    Post-Retreatment Care and Recommendations

    Regular check-ups and follow-up sessions recommended by the dentist are crucial. Adherence to post-procedural care instructions is important.

    Who Is It Suitable For?

    Root canal retreatment can be suitable in cases where a previous root canal treatment has failed or needs to be repeated, as determined by the dentist’s evaluation.


    Root canal retreatment involves the reapplication or correction of a previous root canal treatment that was unsuccessful or yielded undesirable results. It provides an effective option for rectifying failed or unsatisfactory root canal treatments.

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    “The information contained on the website is to provide support. It is not a substitute for the physician examining the patient for medical purposes and making a diagnosis.”