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    Dental Braces | Treatment with Metal Braces

    Dental Braces: Treatment with Metal Brackets

    Dental braces are orthodontic devices used to correct and align misaligned teeth. Metal brackets are among the most commonly used options in traditional braces treatment.

    How They Work

    Placement of Brackets: Metal brackets are small pieces adhered to the front surface of each tooth. They work in conjunction with wires and rubber bands to facilitate movement of the teeth.

    Adjustment of Wires: Wires connected to the brackets are regularly adjusted to guide the teeth into the correct position.

    Treatment Duration: While varying for each individual, the treatment duration typically ranges from 1 to 3 years.

    Regular Check-ups: The orthodontist examines the patient at specific intervals to check the condition of the wires and brackets.

    Advantages of Metal Brackets

    Effective and Strong: Metal brackets facilitate effective movement of teeth. More Economical: They are generally more cost-effective compared to other options.

    Disadvantages of Metal Brackets

    Visibility: They are more noticeable compared to other treatment options. Discomfort: There might be an initial discomfort in the gums and oral tissues.

    Who Is It Suitable For?

    Suitable for individuals of all age groups. Preferable for those who are not concerned about the visibility of the brackets during the treatment period.


    Metal brackets are an effective and common option for traditional braces treatment. With regular care and check-ups guided by the orthodontist, teeth can be guided into the desired position.

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