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    Apical Resection

    Apical Resection: A Surgical Procedure Applied at the Root of the Tooth

    Apical resection is the surgical removal of infected or inflamed tissue at the root apex of a tooth. This procedure aims to preserve the tooth and ensure the healthy functioning of the mouth.

    Purpose of Apical Resection

    Infection and Inflammation Control: Infections or inflammations occurring at the root apex of the tooth are addressed and controlled by apical resection. Rectification of Root End Problems: Issues at the root end, gum infections, or recurrent problems following root canal treatment can be corrected through apical resection.

    Process of Apical Resection

    Diagnosis and Planning: The dentist identifies the location of the problem through X-rays and examinations and plans for the procedure. Local Anesthesia: The procedure is performed under local anesthesia to ensure the patient doesn’t experience pain. Surgical Intervention: The gum is opened, infected tissues are removed, and problematic portions at the root apex are cleaned. Suturing and Healing: If necessary, sutures are applied, and the healing process begins.

    Post-Apical Resection Care and Recommendations

    It’s crucial to follow the instructions provided by the dentist. Antibiotics or pain relievers might be used during the healing process. Maintaining oral hygiene is essential throughout the specified period.

    Who Is It Suitable For?

    Apical resection may be recommended due to infections or inflammations at the root apex of the tooth. However, as every patient is different, the necessity of this procedure should be determined by the dentist.


    Apical resection enables the surgical resolution of problems at the root apex of the tooth. It controls infections and supports the long-term health of the tooth. This procedure aims to preserve the tooth and maintain oral health.

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    “The information contained on the website is to provide support. It is not a substitute for the physician examining the patient for medical purposes and making a diagnosis.”